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 Posted by Picasa

7:20 PM


 Posted by Picasa

7:19 PM



hellohello. i don't like blogging anymore.. go tag me at xanga, orbetter yet. get an account and comment! yay.



9:26 PM



i just edited and gave my xanga a total makeover, it looks so so pretty now. black and pink.

but i still prefer blogger. xanga is so confuzzling. the stupid italics come out as UPPERCASE and all.

i'm boredi'm boredi'm boredi'm bored.

i want.):):

i may go tomorrow, but not likely. everyone's saying they had such an awesome time.

church tomorrow. i dont really feel like going... we'll see.

sent my mum off today, she's going to kl to see gonggong cause he's sick.):
then i had tennis and piano.
i wanna learn guitar.

my tennis doesnt seem to be getting any better.. i dont know. it fluctuates. from VERY GOOD forehand ground strokes to misssing the ball completely, its so frustrating.

ah well. goodnight babes<3

3:53 AM



reply to tags<3
sze: haha thanks for the loan dear!(:
prisca: it was! too bad i didnt see you):
ttm: hmm. WOW I THINK ITS--, nah. it can't be the awesome ttm.
liana: hahah of course. okay i'll link you now.<3
jiani: hihi!
evan: that is so not true. firstly it isnt a beauty/fashion survey and secondly, who says guys dont do them huh. guys are concerned about their looks k. last friday eve and i saw you ruffling your hair. hahahaha.
nat: gay? uh, haha right.

haha omg matt was like, and i quote- oh do you want a beauty tip? SLEEP EARLY! does that sound gay huh.
haha, geez. whatever- i'm supergirl, i stay up late and sleep in classes(:

11:32 PM


(not anyone in mgs)
despo control freak. i know it's wrong off me to judge you because i dont know you personally but still. you're such a controlling, desperate flirt. i know you read my blog.
so read this ---> you piss me off. <---

11:28 PM


i finally did tricia's layout. kinda cute & pretty, but definitely not my best work.
now i have to do my chechnya project. =\

i hate that stupid team singapore ad on perfect 10. it's so annoying. stupid jingle, stupid gymnast.

plus, eve's missing!
fallen angel;broken wings. says:
eve's missing
that look's still in your eyes ; liz says:
you mean, really really?
that look's still in your eyes ; liz says:
or what.
fallen angel;broken wings. says:
her maid say she might not be coming home
that look's still in your eyes ; liz says:
fallen angel;broken wings. says:
that look's still in your eyes ; liz says:
gasp-! scandalous. hahah
fallen angel;broken wings. says:
what if she's at ____'s?
that look's still in your eyes ; liz says:
hahahaa i'll ask him
fallen angel;broken wings. says:

security has been alerted.

11:16 PM



Which of the following articles which you rather see in magazines? (pick 2)
1) Interviews with foreign celebs
2) Interviews with local celebs
3) Gossip about local celebs
4) Gossip about foreign celebs
5) Fashion/Beauty tips
6) Real life issues (sucide/pregnancy etc)
7) Movie reviews
8) Pictures & captions

you're sure boys are supposed to do this. -evan
yes of course. remember the metrosexuals. don't be sexist.

10:14 PM


i get so pissed off at the smallest things. and then i feel like cursing and swearing and just -BEEEPING- along. but then i feel so filthy.

God, help me, guide me through this week. next week's a short week. I promise to buck up. I really want to got for FOP, to experience your glory again. I kno it can be achieved right here, right now but. I want to worship you and go crazy for you again. I pray that you'll talk to my mum,, and show her that I'm not going there to play around. I'm serious about worshipping you. Please, talk to her and make her see. I know she's stressed and all because of gonggong. please make him alright. Don't let it be time for him to go yet. But if it is. then there's nothing i can do. Thank you God, for everything. for giving me a brand new day. for giving me my parents. for giving me friends, for teachers. thank you for everything. I love you so so much.

9:56 PM


its times like these when i seriously appreciate guestbooks.

i broke down today. as in. like. i really couldn't take everything last night. and i just lost it today. in front of ms. tan. ahhhh. damn. i need to learn how to control my emotions better. i was seriously upset with sarah in the morning. and then it was all better at the end of the day.

but i really really can't stand her*. omg shes frickin annoying. and its not only me. my class has been going around imitating her stupidity. sorry. i think i just need to vent my frustration. then i'll feel bad about it. but ah well. she's so oblivious to her own irritatingness.
but i don't flick my hair back what.
rightttt. you flick your hair back more than me. i only tie my hair in ms tan's class because of the stupid fan. but you tied your hair, according to liana 8times. ahhh walao. i could say so much more that's pissing me off. but i'll appear like a total petty brat. so whatever. but hello, YOU FLICK YOUR HAIR AFTER SWIMMING>>>> DURING HISTORY. SO MANY TIMES WALAO. you think you're very pretty. shut up liz.

We have changed
but we're still the same
After all that we've been through
I know we're cool
I know we're cool

9:25 PM



sarah and i woke up an hour late. so we rushed to school for sports carnival but we didnt have anything much to do. then we had our warm-ups, but i didn't have anything to do til my doubles match.

so i hung out and around the place with different people- tennisters, onetee-ers, some sec2s, etc. and that was pretty fun, socializing. haha.

and then sarah and i and julia grabbed some food.

anyway. i watched kimmy's netball match, and tessa was playing on the other team, walao. so i was like, GO KIMMY! GO TESSA! and tessa was guarding kimmy. hahaha.
i also watched some tennis matches.

but during liana and my match, it started raining halfway. geez. but oh well. then liana went home, so we had to forfeit the match. RAH.
but we're SO PROUD of tricia and shuyi. runnerups!<3 size="4">daniella! SECOND PLACE. wOot.

we played some foosball. joycelyn, joan and sarah beat me and avril and suyi. i think.

then becky, plee, kimmy, andrea, daniella, carrisar(according to sarah?!?) and i went to plaza sing. oh, and tobias came too. so anyway. at plaza sing we ate at yoshiyona, but andrea was like omg look at all the fat on the beef! eeeewww. haha so she ate plain rice.

then kimmy, becky, andrea and i abandoned carissar and tobias and went to take neoprints. but then becky's bag went missing. it was found without her phone , camera and wallet . what the . who'd be so horrible.
becy went ballistic a yoshiyona, she started breaking all the chopsticks and plastic spoons.
and then she wanted to go to sonicfest rightaway so we did.

and we stood in the rain listening to sofire.
then we went to the village to buy some stuff. i bought badges, and daniella bought a pretty bottle. which i haveto pay for. darn. haha.

anyway. bye<3

10:46 PM


more later. my mum won't allow me to blog.

12:17 AM



SONICFEST WAS AWWWWWWSOMMMMME! you guys seriously don't know what you're missing.
this sucks. i'm stuck at home, while everyone's having a great time at fort canning green worshipping God, and I'm just. not doing anything. ITS NOT FAIR. i wanna go. now. i'm missing sonicflood. i'm missing sonic edge.
i have to wait until next year.

school as usual, i can't really remember what happended because of sonicfest, i was just so excited. haha. i just remember being mad at sarah because she had PE monitress duty with jiap so i had to wait for her until 3 which spoilt my perfectly scheduled plan. pshaw. so so. then we caught a 852 to west mall, where we headed for bought our stuff. and we were early! according to my schedule, so we decided to go to sembawang because i wanted to buy eve's cd. don't you just love me? (: and then we were still quite early so we went back to shop some more. and then something weird happened but i dont wanna talk about it. buttt after getting off the escalator this guy suddenly turned around and said Eh? and omgeez it was warren with his girlfriend! hahahaha so i said hi. then they went into some furniture shop.

then we went to my house, and we showered and ate our lunch. and then we changed but we were LATE! so we rushed to the mrt but we didn't know how to get to dhoby ghaut(?). so i think we ended up on the really longggg train where it said that it would take 55min to reach and i was supposed to meet evan in like 10minutes. so. we took a cab and it was still really slow. and we didn't have enough money to pay, we were short of 40cents. the cab uncle grumbled a bit but then he let us go. so then i went to plaza sing to meet evan. outside The Body Shop which sarah and i thought was kinda weird for a meeting place but whatever. so i got the tickets from evan, and then me and sarah went to find fort canning park.

the nice security guard at park mall told us how to get there. so we found it, but we didn't know what to do. but then one of the sonicfest people told us we had to get the admission band thing so we did. and we checked the program but nothing interesting was going on. so i called kimberly, and we went back to plaza sing to meet up with kim and andrea. haha it was so funny they bought so much food. we had a couple of near-death experiences with the cars.

and then we went back to fort canning green. we called plee but it was SO NOISY at the give stage that we couldn't hear each other but then becky found us. so we sat together. nat and vicky joined us. saw eve and ethel. passed her the cd. and then it was time for the planetshakers performance. IT ROCKED! but it wasn't as good compared to sonicflood. because i know more of sonicflood's songs. after planetshakers' performance, i went to talk to eve and met cheryl. then i saw evan again.

sonicflood's performance was so touching, everyone was just worshipping God in their own way, lifting up their hands, singing, jumping, dancing. and everyone was just. feeling God in their presence, it was awesome. I didn't feel so restricted, i felt so free that i could worship and praise God however i wanted, i could jump and sing and i didn't even care if people thought i was crazy. but somehow i can't feel like that in my own church, during our own worship.

then the lead singer shared his life story, of God's amazing grace, hallelujah. how God healed him, his illness and all.

then there was an alter call, and i went up front with sarah. and i can't describe how close i felt to God, i could feel Him right there, listening to my prayer. and i just felt so so good to be there.

then sonicflood played this really rocking song - this generation and this dancing song. a great way to end their performance.

then everyone left, so sarah and i did too.
but then i saw paul! hahaha. so i said hi.

we took the mrt home because we thought we felt independent and cool.
but i just ended up serious tired. cause we had to stand for like an hour.

we reached my house, then showered and ate a late dinner of chips and RIBENA. hahaha.
we painted our nails, mine are a pretty frosted pink and sarah's a scandalous gold.

8:35 PM


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my xanga